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Fuck youtube
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Fuck You
470 views ● 2022-09-24
8 stalkers
showcase of game vanilla infight behavior and than a 100% no infight mod in vanilla some monsters would infight each other if while you move as they attack you they would hit others hitscan enemies the zombiemans shotgunguys and chaingunguy and wolfenstein ss would infight and damage everything even their own ranks always the demon pinky being the only melee only enemy will infight everything that hurt it but only not other pinkys as they will never hit other pinkys by melee attack toward you or a other enemy anyway projectile enemies wont infight or hurt only their own ranks doomimps cannot infight or damage their own hellknights and baron of hell's will never hurt or damage both each other cacodemons wont hurt or infight their own revenants wont hurt or infight their own arachnotrons wont hurt or infight their own Mancubus wont hurt or infight their own Painelementals will always attack anything that hurted them to spit lost souls lostsouls will infight totally everything to even any Painelemntals and even other lost souls cyberdemon wont hurt or infight only other cyberdemons archviles can damage each other by their attack splash damage but not the direct damage but they will still never infight other archviles even by getting the small splash damage if you or a other monster stand totally near a archvile that attacks the game can be beatable in this new insane challange but it can be unfair and if you wont have enough ammo placed in a map than you would be unable to progress and get dead by enemys as the first or chainsaw is useless against hitscan shooters that stand too far or unreachable by foot and not useable against the baron or hell knights as their melee attacks will never miss and doing too high damage this is like a new alternative to the 'nightmare' skill in a way that was also can be unbeatable and not even fair because the endless respawn of enemies that were killed only this time with the enemies still being killed for good but with the risk you cannot make enemies to kill each other in cases you lack much ammo for get raid of them all
showcase of game vanilla infight behavior and than a 100% no infight mod in vanilla some monsters would infight each other if while you move as they attack you they would hit others hitscan enemies the zombiemans shotgunguys and chaingunguy and wolfenstein ss would infight and damage everything even their own ranks always the demon pinky being the only melee only enemy will infight everything that hurt it but only not other pinkys as they will never hit other pinkys by melee attack toward you or a other enemy anyway projectile enemies wont infight or hurt only their own ranks doomimps cannot infight or damage their own hellknights and baron of hell's will never hurt or damage both each other cacodemons wont hurt or infight their own revenants wont hurt or infight their own arachnotrons wont hurt or infight their own Mancubus wont hurt or infight their own Painelementals will always attack anything that hurted them to spit lost souls lostsouls will infight totally everything to even any Painelemntals and even other lost souls cyberdemon wont hurt or infight only other cyberdemons archviles can damage each other by their attack splash damage but not the direct damage but they will still never infight other archviles even by getting the small splash damage if you or a other monster stand totally near a archvile that attacks the game can be beatable in this new insane challange but it can be unfair and if you wont have enough ammo placed in a map than you would be unable to progress and get dead by enemys as the first or chainsaw is useless against hitscan shooters that stand too far or unreachable by foot and not useable against the baron or hell knights as their melee attacks will never miss and doing too high damage this is like a new alternative to the 'nightmare' skill in a way that was also can be unbeatable and not even fair because the endless respawn of enemies that were killed only this time with the enemies still being killed for good but with the risk you cannot make enemies to kill each other in cases you lack much ammo for get raid of them all